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  1. This is going to sound like an advertisement, but I'm excited! I've been wanting this for years: a way to listen to Freedomain Radio YouTube videos -- especially the ones that aren't made into podcasts -- on my phone while using other apps, or with my phone screen turned off. Now I've found a way -- with the Wiper app. Wiper is a messaging app sort of like Snapchat. It allows you to erase text messages, as well as make and erase voice calls. The most exciting feature, to me, though, is that it also allows you to listen to and share YouTube videos (and erase the shares). It could be a good way to share favorite FDR videos with another person. This is my new music player. It comes with YouTube music playlists. Best of all, you can use other apps and turn your phone's screen off and keep listening, a function that YouTube itself doesn't allow. It doesn't save your place, or download onto the phone for offline listening, like a podcast app would. But I can now save FDR YouTube videos in a favorites list, and listen to them like podcasts while doing other things. Before, if a video wasn't made into a podcast, most of the time I would skip it rather than watch the video. Now I have more options for listening. It's a small thing, but others here may appreciate it, too. (Wiper also recently added a Bitcoin wallet with a function that allows you to erase transactions. Of course, you can't erase them from the Blockchain, but supposedly you can erase them from your phone. The app isn't open source, so use at your own risk. The Bitcoin wallet also has some bugs, in my experience.)
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