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Found 2 results

  1. In an age of immediate gratification, we have forgotten the core principles passed down to us from those brave enough to take the risks. History has done all the work for us, yet we continue to make the same mistakes. Denial of biological drives, doubting our instincts, avoidance of responsibility, lack of eye-to-eye human contact, etc. Some of us want more. Some of us look at the people we're surrounded by and think, "How can you settle for this?". Some of us want to raise the standards given to us, and then go beyond what others have thought possible. This is my quest. To bring about another age of "The Renaissance Man". Let us not settle. Men must have pride and reach for the heavens. Men must have self esteem. http://therenaissanceman.academy/
  2. Hey everybody I recently came across a poster that was posted on the side of the road near my home. It says, "Elect patrick ****** for sheriff". I see it every time I come home from work and its annoying to see. I want to put an equal sized poster (which I have) next to it with something funny on it. I am not too creative so I can't think of anything great. I feel it should involve something about declaring the uselessness of voting. You girls and guys are smarter than me so could you help me out?
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