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  1. Listening to FDR2531 set the following train of thought in motion: Not all people are equally good at allocating their resources. Differences in intelligence and experience will cause some people to be better at this than others. People don't survive on their own, people survive in groups. In a group there will be people that are better at allocating resources than others. Since groups will be competing, evolution will favour those groups in which the assets are best allocated. Even if there was some kind of force involved. Creators with little social skills might find that their chances at survival are better in a group that has little respect for self ownership than in a group that perishes because they value self ownership. It might even be that the genome has this build in. Care to shoot any holes in this? PS: I am not defending the existence of a government. I fully subscribe to the NAP. I do see that governments exist, and I wonder what role they play in human evolution, and if we might be predisposed to accept a government.
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