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  1. If you feel atheism is based on evidence, and you can provide evidence that will make a believer out of atheist, please post in "what proof / evidence do atheist need?" thread. While I believe that's not possible and no one has proposed plausible scenario, you may know something that works that's not been posted yet. If you feel there is no way to know the existence or non-existence of god is possible, let's discuss. Religion is about blind faith. There is no way to change the religious because the basic premise is no evidence to the contrary is possible. For example, "bible is the word of god, never mind the contradictions, so there!" One can argue that the bible and all other religions have many contradictions (aka, flaws), so one chooses to be atheist. But if there is no possible way to not be an atheist or agnostic or ignostic or whatever (and be a theist), then the blind faith is just the same as religious. Therefore, atheism becomes a religion at the most basic level: blind faith. Now this is very troubling, especially for atheist like me. If atheism is just another religion at a fundamental level rooted in blind faith (no way to be otherwise), then why not Christianity? There are many benefits to being a Christian in US. First of all, one is no longer the most hated group (atheists are hated even more than muslims). 70% of the population identify as Christians, so social circles become much larger. Christian, even Westborough Baptists, do not go around stoning people for missing Sabbath, despite what the bible says. If I have kids, I would have them also be Christian, because it benefits them in life (social circles, etc) while at a fundamental level, it's the same as atheism. In fact, teaching them to be atheist is immoral as that's purposely placing disadvantage to children's life. If I'm living in India, I might say something like this for Hinduism. This is really deeply troubling.
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