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  1. In the recent open classroom on liberty.me with Stefan Molyneux this question that was asked sparked quite a bit of a response from the community. The chat exploded in multiple directions with some claiming such as myself that it was a symbiotic relationship and others that it is a parasite. Stefan was repulsed by the question in that he wondered, what kind of person would call their child a parasite? Perhaps this is an argument over semantics, as a parasite provides no mutual value to the host. After mulling it over a while in my head, I wondered if perhaps if both positions were correct depending on the view of the host. If the mother wanted to get pregnant because she felt it would bring value then it could be called a symbiotic relationship, but if the pregnancy was not wanted regardless of "The how she got pregnant" that it could be considered a parasite because the host sees no value in it, only loss. Perhaps this subject could warrant a video because of the strong reactions it provoked in both me, Stefan, and the listeners.
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