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Found 3 results

  1. Hey everyone! What're your favorite listener conversation videos about relationship with parents? If you can't do it yourself, what would you send as an intro video of Stef showing how you can connect with people and analyze parental relationships with moral clarity? Thanks! Alex
  2. Hello all, I am gearing up to approach some family of mine that employs corporal punishment. So I am first trying to put together the very best case I can against spanking. I also told a friend of this impending situation who has not been convinced by me that spanking is wrong. Thankfully our conversation did enlighten me as to how poor I was at making the case and that there is far more research advocating corporal punishment than I expected. i have searched the forums and cannot find a thread providing the best case against spanking. So please if you can provide me with your best case against spanking and any pro or con research pertaining to it. i consider this one of the most important things I have ever done and want to fully plan and prepare. Thank you so very much, and If I get a decent amount and quality of FDR participation in the thread I'll donate extra for the month.
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