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  1. I had a debate with 2 leftists the other day that basically didn't understand what universe they were living on. But, during this debate, I had the opportunity to debate some ideas with myself. I believe that the problem with Charlottesville is that we are not calling the problems by what they really are. Please, let me explain: The first term that is misleading in this issue was to call the alt right a bunch of neo nazi. Conservatives and libertarians spent so much time debating that #notall the alt right present at the event were nazi. I will try to explain that not a single person at Charlottesville was a nazi. Lets start with the definition of nazi. It is the National Socialist German Workers' Party. In short, it is the German Marxist party. The trick is in the words ''socialist worker's party''. I do not believe that any person of the alt right were citizens of Germany (there might be one who did have the citizenship, I could be proven wrong). Therefore, they could not be part of the GERMAN Marxist party. It would make as much sense to say that some dude in Mongolia is that of the British Labor Party. To identify the problem would be to call the alt right a bunch of American Socialists. There were other American Socialists present at this event. The members of Antifa were American Socialists. The members of BLM are American Socialists. The black block are American socialists. The liberals and democrats present at this event were American socialists. Basically, this event was nothing more then a bunch of American Socialists attacking each other. I believe there was a pole recently that showed that most socialists live in their mom's basements and are unemployed. If these idiots had any pressure from the free market, they wouldn't have time to waste doing stupid shit like this. They would be too busy trying to find a job. Once again, the free market is the solution to these stupid problems we have to face in the western world. To be honest, I dont care if they all decide to break each other's skulls with bricks. The result would be less people on welfare =P. But to be serious, the solution is still the same. We need to promote the free market, dispel the blur of identity prolitic and promote libertarian values. =)
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