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  1. I wasn't sure whether to post this under Peaceful Parenting or Self Knowledge, but this is where I have chosen to place it. I look back on my childhood and see that both of my parents supported me academically, athletically, and financially. I do note, however, the strong absence of my father emotionally and have recently started to explore that. I wonder why in adulthood I am not excited to see my parents often and I think this is why: my father is emotionally unavailable and my mother intellectually unavailable. While I don't want to delve into the details here, I do want to ask for some advice. I have a 5 year old son and I want to make sure that I'm emotionally available for him. I am great at intellectual availability, but that doesn't require much self knowledge. In my opinion, intellectual availability without emotional connection is detrimental to a child's development, but that's just opinion. What do parents of young ones do to have fun, be emotionally available, and ensure that they're meeting their child's (children's) needs emotionally? I am somewhat at a loss for how to ensure my son sees all of me, that he sees my delight, and that I honor his delight?
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