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  1. Hi all, I've read the book and it's companion (Cashflow) and that's how I got introduced to the concepts of 'borrowing your way out', 'delayed gratification', 'gaming the system', 'passive income'... many more. Those two books were and are a fascinating read with a lingering sense of a 'humble mentor' backing you intellectually while you get familiar with concepts rarely discussed in that particular form. Read them if you can. I however think his methodology (maybe that's why I'm not a millionaire with a huge debt also) is for the blunt, courageous, risk-taker who also tries to minimise the fallout to a degree. My aim here is to discuss caveats, useful reminders further aiding inoculation against zealous belief, cult-like attitude regarding his catchy but risky ideas put forward. Barnsley
  2. So couple of days back I was debating with a Socialist friend of mine who came out saying that states can borrow money as much as they want. I obviously asked him that how the hell could that be possible? Well this is how he explained it: 1. States don't have to pay back their debt because they theoretically last forever. 2. If states were to privatize or end public sector it would cause unemployment, which therefore would require these new unemployed people to be supported. So the state would need to borrow even more money to do so. 3. If state is getting in trouble with paying back it's debt, it can simply print more and more money and use it to pay the interest of the debt. He said that inflation would be a better choice than reducing public sector, because it only takes away money from INDIVIDUALS. Public sector provides services to everyone free of charge so it is more important than personal rights. I asked him while shocked that doesn't he agree that taxing somebody is actually ethically wrong? He answered: "No. It's because money is only numbers, not property." After this discussion I felt like tearing my eyeballs out with a fork. How can somebody just smile and say something like this? Please share your thoughts and opinions, as I would REALLY like to hear them! Markus FIN
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