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So I just watched the full video of the audio of the interrogation of Lindsay Shepherd. Wow. I am blown away by what I heard. I knew that leftists believed their bullshit, but now I hear them saying that their worldview is that people aren't left enough! It's a disturbing listen, so those who look up this video (provided by 1791L youtube channel), be forewarned, it is both dull and horrifying all at once. For those who don't know, a graduate student Teacher's Assistant, Lindsay Sheperd, played a few minutes of a youtube video of a Jordan Peterson discussion in a classroom setting. Some students complained, and she was disciplined for her actions. As a result of the ugly process she was put through, she's grown totally disillusioned with academia and is going to leave the university setting. This video is just the audio of the meeting in which the administration grills Ms. Shepherd for playing Jordan Peterson, and it was just the beginning of the trials and tribulations for Shepherd... all because some students' feels got hurt. As someone who lived through something similar, this disturbed me greatly. Listen at your own peril. Thoughts?
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- jordan peterson
- canada
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I have been thinking of some things for a while. Civilisation started in Sumer, then Babylon, then Egypt, Then Greece, Then Rome, Then Europe, Then America. We can see a pattern here. Aside that whites were the founders of all these nations, each and every one of them fell and the next flourished. We know that traveling long distances was not easy in the past and we know that people migrated between those empires. We know that some Greeks and Egyptians moved to Rome. We know that Italians moved to different parts of Europe. We know that Europeans funded America. We can now assume that Sumerians moved to Babylon and that Babylonians moved to Egypt. Many of these empires existed during the same time period. Can we assume that the high IQ population were able to realize that their civilisation was going to shit and decided to move to a younger more promising civilisation before shit hit the fan. And, can we assume that the exile of the high IQ class prompted the downfall of the previous empire. I do not have a master in history like Stefan, but, we do see this phenomenon happening during our time. I see a lot of Europeans moving to Canada and at a faster rate. We have seen this happen in Venezuela when the working class was taxed to death, 2 million people fled the country. Let me explain why this question is so important to me. I’m a biochemistry student, and I plan to start a family pretty soon. But I’m seeing the west collapsing. If I am to plant my seed somewhere, I want to make sure that my descendants will be able to thrive. You do not plant your crops next to an active volcano even if the soil seems fertile at the moment. You know that in the near future, your crops will be burned. So here is my observation. I’ve talked to a lot of people in my city and all around the country. I have come to the conclusion that we could easily fix the problem and prevent the collapse of our civilisation, but that the people are too stupid, too indoctrinated, too lazy and too cowardly to prevent the fall. I give my present country about 10 years max. Then it will be Venezuela 2.0. Stefan would say at this moment that we have to reach out and change people’s minds. But I’m looking at it in a pragmatic way. It’s basic math. - We live in a democracy. - The majority wins the vote. - Very few of us are willing to make changes. - Our government is importing massive amount of third world migrants. We have to come to the conclusion that we are outnumbered. When such a scenario occurs the logical solution is to adopt a survivalist mode. We need to encourage the people who love freedom to move to a country where they will be able to wait out the storm. During that time, Canada will fall into chaos. It will be ugly. But the right people to rebuild will have survived and will return after the storm. They will return after the socialist government has collapse. Lets be honest. The only way you can remove a socialist government is to allow it to crash (which it does inevitably). Please, let me know your thoughts =)
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- migration. surviving
- saving what we can
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I've recently moved to Edmonton (just under a month ago) and I don't know anyone in this city outside of work. It'd be nice to get in touch with some of you who are from here. Any kind of friendship would be nice, whether you're up for the occasional Skype chat, gaming, a meal/coffee every now and then. I did look for a free domain radio meetup group on Facebook, didn't find anything. If there's anything going on, please do let me know. Thanks!
I just read this article from Imprimis written by Frank Buckley and entitled Restoring America’s Economic Mobility. In it, the author cites Pew Charitable Trusts' "Economic Mobility Rankings" as demonstration of the fact that Canada has much greater economic mobility. He makes the case that America is now locked under the control of a "New Class of lawyers, academics, trust-fund babies, and media types - a group that wield undue influence in both political parties and dominates our culture." (Buckley, p. 4). He goes on to explain how Canada has greater economic mobility, better education for the middle-class, stricter immigration laws, more legal respect for the "sanctity of contract" and property rights, lower corruption, and more conservative legal institutions. (Buckley, pp. 4-5). This all came as something of a surprise to me. What do you think?
So Stef did a video not to long ago about Gord Downie, lead singer of the Tragically Hip and his diagnosis with terminal brain cancer. If your a fan of the Hip or live in Canada, you've probably heard of the controversy surrounding the ticket scalping of the shows of the band's final tour. If you haven't heard, basically because of the popularity of the band and the huge rush to see their last shows, it is a perfect opportunity for ticket scalpers to buy up tickets and sell them for enormous profits. Some tickets are going around ten times their original price. This has caused a lot of anger from the fans towards scalpers, who couldn't get tickets for the show because they sold out in minute. Now they have to pay out the ear to scalpers if they want to go. I myself tried this morning to get tickets and they sold out within the first 20 minutes of the sale. The uproar of fans has cause headlines in Canada. A lot of people now are calling for the state to step in and "fix" the problem. This scares me. In Ontario ticket scalping was recently made legal. Now some people are talking about making it illegal again or bringing in price controls. In my frustration over the situation, even I have been a hard time trying to think of a solution to the controversy. Is there a free market solution to this issue? Is there even a problem to begin with? Is scalping tickets wrong? I'd love to hear anyones thoughts.
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- Tragically Hip
- Scalping
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I know nobody cares about Canadian politics, but here is an interesting piece of statistics that resonated with me. According to CBC (Canadian government TV station), “The Conservatives appealed to ridings in which the proportion of married or common-law couples was highest. By comparison, the Liberals and the NDP largely dominated in ridings where the marriage rate hovered below 50 per cent.” In Canada, Conservative (blue) tends to be, well, conservative, Liberal (red) – liberal, and NDP (orange) – even further left-wing. So, to me, this appears to be a clear R vs. K battle (married people lean conservative and non - liberal), presented in a very beautiful chart.
Though I live in the U.S., I am a Canadian citizen and am interested in seeing the Canadian economy thrive. I'm also concerned about the lack of some basic civil liberties. In the past, I've voted for the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) on the basis that they were for the free market (more so than other parties) and promised to scrap the long gun registry. They followed through on the latter promise, which was important to me as a gun owner. Since last election, the CPC has shown itself to be rather neo-con. They seem to be running on hawkish foreign policy, increased prison sentences, and increased domestic security. The last on the list comes in the form of C-51, the Anti-terrorism Act of 2015. They've also introduced a law allowing the government to terminate the citizenship of anyone they deem to be a terrorist (C-24). I don't like ANY of this! The New Democrat Party (NDP) is essentially the Socialist party of Canada. They immediately begin with class warfare rhetoric and my eyes glaze over. Mulcair, their leader, believes that Canada should ensure that farmers and duck hunters can keep their guns. Translation: He wants to ban my "assault rifle" and pistols. They are against Alberta's oil and gas industry. Wanting to scrap pipelines which are vital to economic growth. Support cap-and-trade. I can't stand these guys! The Liberal party of Canada sort of falls in the middle. They support lower taxes for the middle class, poor, and small businesses, while increasing taxes on the rich and corporations. They oppose some pipelines while supporting others. Their leader is so weak and flip flops and "hems and haws" so much, I don't really know what this party actually stands for. They were the party that originally introduced our gun registries. I don't trust them. No one seems concerned about Canada's "human rights" tribunal which are effectively censorship on speech deemed offensive. Christians and white males are overwhelmingly the victims of these tribunals. They're dragged in front of these tribunals by radical imams or gay/lesbians. Our country does not protect freedom of speech. We have a State broadcaster (CBC) that is very leftist. The CTRC (Canadian telecommunications regulation commission) picks winners and losers in terms of which channels get included in basic cable, which is ridiculous. They've discriminated against right wing news agencies. Self defense is harshly punished. There are countless stories of people being charged with offenses for simply defending themselves within their own home. This seems to be an anti-gun campaign as it's frequently gun owners who find themselves being charged. The RCMP is out of control. They stormed into private residences to "secure" them during a natural disaster. They confiscated firearms and damaged property. They reclassified firearms independently and without consultation. I almost had a rifle of mine confiscated without compensation. To the credit of the CPC, they've addressed these concerns with the RCMP and the lack of self defense laws, but time will tell if the legislation is effective. I know as anarchists, most people here don't believe in voting. But I'd rather vote for the least terrible option. I really don't see how spoiling my ballot or voting libertarian is going to help steer my country towards greater freedom. I'm pulled more towards voting CPC at this point both because of their economic policy (which is less socialist) and because they've ensured I don't have my guns confiscated. I don't like their authoritarian angle, but it doesn't really affect me. I don't do drugs, I'm not a terrorist, and I'm not a violent criminal. I'd love to hear the thoughts of fellow freedom-loving Canadians! Maybe I've overlooked some aspects of the other parties. Maybe C-51 is the end of Canada as we know it. Maybe it's exaggeration. Give me some feedback!
Canada - for every regulation introduced one must be removed
zg7666 posted a topic in Current Events
"Thankfully, regulatory transparency got a considerable boost Thursday when the Red Tape Reduction Act (C-21) received Royal Assent and became law. Minister Tony Clement, who has championed the bill, can be proud that Canada is now the first country in the world to require that for every new regulation introduced one of equivalent burden must be removed." -
Munk Debates - Be it resolved men are obsolete…
stMarkus posted a topic in Reviews & Recommendations I haven't really come across feminists expressing their views before so it was interesting for me to see what they have to say. Yet it quickly became obvious that their views lack substance, their talking points were repetitive, boring and vacuous. And of course it's deeply ironic how both the pro and con sides of this ostensible debate are feminists and this is considered a proper medium to discuss the role of gender in the 21st century. For juxtaposition, a text of Stefan's speech about feminism: -
I was looking at Coinbase today, thinking it was time to put in a modest sum towards, say, 0.1 to 0.2 BTC. Unfortunately they only allow holders of US bank accounts to register. After doing a bit of research online, VirtEx ( was recommended in several forums as the best option for Canadians who don't want to go through the hassle of setting up a US bank account. Does anyone here have any information about the reliability and security of VirtEx or any other Canadian BitCoin sellers? Since multiple exchanges have either been shutdown by governments, or been hacked into, I'm a bit unsure what is the best course of action. I'm thinking about going with something like, but I have no idea about the reputations or track records of these various outfits, especially when it comes to handling bank account information. If anyone has had good experiences dealing with Canadian or offshore organizations, I'd love to hear from you.