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  1. Hi thinkers and alike, Many of you probably have noticed the trend the world is being driven towards by our fellow men & women (and attack helicopters, can't remember the others). "If you want to know who rules over you, all you need to do is just look at who you are NOT allowed to criticise." I mean videos from Count Dankula "update #1" "update #2" "update #3" + bonus (about Scottish Art gallery, a state funded video) "You Can't Fight A Painting" Tim Pool "COUNT DANKULA AND HOW HATE SPEECH LAWS ARE MAKING COMEDY ILLEGAL" In the recent developments regarding the case of a guy who imo unfairly got targeted to be made a precedent, namely Count Dankula, unsettling mechanisms of state power are being uncovered. Moreover, as in Europe there hasn't been a similar case, the court's ruling will be immensely important in similar cases (oh, yeah! as it's aimed at people who are critical of being unfairly prosecuted... there'll be more... much more.) in the future, we could be looking at people getting disenfranchised of the European culture(if that's even possible for some) as a whole at a growing pace. And I'm not talking about edgy memes or territorial scandals... How would you like to live in a world, where 3 out of 4 people you know (family too) could report you to the authorities for 'wrong think' but not just that, you would have zero chance getting any sort of 'innocent until proven guilty' judiciary process as the verdict would already have been made. (Reminds me of the (link) Cardassian law. Sci-fi. Well,... actually, is it?! I'm not sure anymore.) Barnsley P. s. Have you read (link) 'Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago' or (link) 'George Orwell - 1984' or seen the movie by (link) 'George Lucas - THX 1138' ???
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