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  1. I'm exhausted of my job, there's no career path in my company for me, and though it's not been announced it's widely believed that our office will be shut down at the end of the year. It's lead to me feeling very frustrated and pent up at my current occupation, and has affected my performance. I'm looking to find new work, and have been since September. However I haven't had an offer yet, and I think I know why. My job title is Project Manager, but I don't do what most people think of as PM. I mostly do a customer service/Help desk kind of job. The thing is, I think I can try to get a new job by getting some industry qualifications for being a Project Manager. But, that's potentially throwing money away after a career that I may not be good at, and could potentially hate as much as my current job. But, the only alternatives I can think of are to stick out my current job and just keep applying for things, or quit my job and go job hunting full time. I don't want to get fired from my job, but I'm kind of at the point where I think I can't take it any more. I have about 6 months worth of money in the bank. Really I want something where I work with people, and I don't stare at a lit screen for 8 hours a day. Pleeeeassee help!
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