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  1. My friend and I are thinking about renting a car and driving out to Libertopia (San Diego) from Texas. The reason I am posting this is that I am wondering if anyone would like to join us. I ask this since if we have more people along for the ride, we can lessen how much we each spend in travel and lodging. You don't have to live in Texas, but you do need to live between Texas and California. Our route is open to discussion depending on who wants to join and where they live as well as the prices for transportation and lodging. I just recently heard about Libertopia from a post here, and I have never been myself so this will be my first time going though I have driven to San Diego before. Feel free to message me for more information or any questions if you don't want to reply to the post. I am open to discussing this on Skype as well so there can be a meeting with everyone involved and we can get to know each other better. I hope to hear from you!
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