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Found 8 results

  1. Well, I can't say I'm surprised but my £3 ad for my video 'Mass Immigration SOLVED!' has been...….. (drum roll)………..rejected. It seems talking about immigration is 'off-limits' too. That's the third ad for a political video I've had rejected in the last few days. I must have been lucky the first few times as they were all political and went through no problem. I've appealed again, of course, but I haven't got a reply back from my last appeal. The door is closing on the possibility that this could be a 'technical issue' too as I tried to complete the 'authorisation' process and it actually informed me I was OK to publish ads with political content! I suppose it has to be the RIGHT political content, however. Anyways I'm getting fed up with this shit, so I'm going to go around all the libertarian and ancap forums and inform them about this and try to get my video shared as far and wide as possible. Thanks FB that was just the boost I needed.
  2. My family and I have all left comments on recent videos, right after they are posted online, before they hit 500 plus comments. Our comments are being hidden from the pages. All of them, from three separate accounts on two different modems in two different states. This is happening all over conservative channels. Help our side push a message board, or begin another, that allows all conservatives/non-conservatives to post and not worry about censorship of our ideas and discussions. Recommend this one to your family and friends as a place to get started.
  3. Hi thinkers and alike, Imagine my surprise... Went to a usual content creator and: 1. been greeted with a warning that before I watch "inappropriate or offensive" (so I shouldn't decide for myself, right?). There's two options to choose to go forward YES or OK. I'm kidding, this isn't windows installer. The options were CANCER or CONTINUE. Nope, yet again I'm messing with ya. CANCEL or CONTINUE. (So, you see why it's already fishy...) 2. Then, upon starting the same video a big message box appeared below the video, saying essentially: ° no comments ° no sharing ° no recommended videos All-right, ok, I get it. Finally YT has decided to lean forward full tilt and get the platform over with, ASAP. I can't blame them for deciding to sabotage themselves. Nice p.s. [Acting compassionately, perhaps it's better to "never interrupt your _____"]
  4. Some people are more equal than others and it's not us.
  5. Hello everyone Recently a Moroccan Atheist got his YouTube live streaming activity suspended and one his satirical video about Salomon deleted without any rational explanation given to him. This has become a trend that YouTube is censoring free speech and criticism of Islam especially within the Ex-Muslim community as they regularly receive strikes and sometimes get permanently banned from YouTube for criticizing Islam. It is possible that the Youtube arabic team of moderators act out their personal feelings and ban some contents based on their personal beliefs and emotions instead of community guidelines. This has become a very dangerous trend as many Ex-Muslim arabic and non arabic speaking are being censored and permanently banned from YouTube. Atheism in the muslim world is on the rise and during the last 5 years tens of millions of individuals men and women have left Islam to Atheism or converted to other more peaceful religions in secrecy. These people live like strangers in their own countries some of them are ostracized by their families, threatened and sometimes killed for leaving Islam. Internet and Social medias are their only outlets for free expression as they are isolated within their societies. It is also important to mention that this increasing trend of people leaving Islam has got some Islamic governments and clerics very worried of losing their credibility and power over people. Muslims especially radicals consider Internet and freedom of expression as the biggest threat to Islam and they are influencing Facebook and Youtube to censor and ban content that uncovers the dirty hidden secrets of Islam. I am linking to this Moroccan Atheist video down below. Please support him by liking his video (in english) and sharing it with everyone interested in this topic. We need more people like him! Thanks a million! Video title: Youtube Strikes Again! Channel name: Kafer Maghribi (translates to Moroccan Infidel)
  6. I keep one foot in the Marxist-orientated (London) Guardian website, as in between all the non-arguments, there are some things worth knowing that I otherwise wouldn't see. And it is reassuring to know, from weighing opinion in the comments sections, that things such as white privilege, 3rd wave feminism, Islamophobia and other grievance culture spurs are widely rejected. Since Brexit, the appearance of Trump and other similar themes in Europe, there has been a further move away from coherent philosophy, arguments - rational or irrational and decorum; and towards violently melting down, running around spitting bile, fainting and hallucination. A new bubble of madness was inflated last week when a high court ruled that Parliament must green-lighted Brexit. This spurred a number of critical stories in newspapers, saying in affect: "How dare three judges block Brexit". On seeing the articles, no angle from which they might be criticised registered with me, but The Guardian and the regressives have begun howling like they have never howled before. They are saying this is the end of democracy, the rule of law is about to be overturned and we are about to descend into fascism with Rupert Murdoch setting the drum-beat as the torries dance us malevolently into the end times. I had observed, in the above-mentioned time period, that The Guardian had become more trigger-happy with censorship. My account was put on pre-moderation (general policy is to allow comments, which are moderated after a few minutes) for posting a comment citing (with source) that there is a greater correlation between single-motherhood and crime than poverty and crime. Today my account was banned and they deleted about 1/3 of the comments on a volatile post by one of their favourite sons, Trotskyite - Paul Mason. And the comments were not abusive, they mainly consisted of criticism like: "I used to think Paul was a bit weird when he was on the Beeb - but I now realise he's totally lost it. How much do you get paid to write this stuff?" "Paul Mason couldn't breathe his way out of an iron lung, never mind string together such a disparate group of people." But also moderate criticism of his points. Comments were prematurely shut down after two hours. They used to let this stuff go through, but it seems that has come to an end. The comments are officially a safe-space. Does anyone else have insights into increase in censorship on regressive sites? I heard that a number of them had recently removed comments sections, but I don't know which sites were being referred to. Full backspace:
  7. FYI, I encountered a an episode of censorship at Barnes and Noble today. I missed Ann Coulter's book signing at the Barnes and Noble on Monday, the first day of the RNC in Cleveland. So today (Saturday) I went there to see if there was an autographed copy of Adios America left. I asked one of the employees if there were any left and she said "I think we sent them all back." Then, a manger came by and confirmed "they all went back" and made a hand gesture and facial expression that clearly showed her contempt for either the book or Ann Coulter. I doubt this is a Barnes and Noble practice since they are in the business of selling books but that doesn't mean a motivated SJW store manager couldn't take matters into her own hands. The Left, silencing conservative voices and censoring free speech one book at time! I want to tell Ann Coulter but I'm boycotting FacePuke and Twit for engaging in CENSORSHIP! If anyone reads this and still has a FacePuke or Twit account please forward this message to her. BOYCOTT FACEPUKE AND TWIT!
  8. https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140303/20073526417/uk-porn-filter-architect-arrested-child-porn-charges.shtml
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