Hi, a thing I never understood is how american and european economies still seems pretty strong compared to the asian economies (or the populations purchasing power). Especially here in Europe, most of the population is paid of by the government to either do nothing or perform useless tasks, and the few that do perform a helpful job in the free'ish market are hold down by regulation and taxes, and prices are pushed up by tons of government interventions. When I travel in asia I don't see the same insane level of government at all, but still the living standard don't seem to beat the american or european yet. Sure their economies are young, a lot of houses, infrastructure etc. needs to be build up, but it still doesn't add up. More people are productive and they work longer and harder, they should be better of than us, right?
I often hear austrian economists mention that the american and european central banks are holding down the asian economies? I just don't understand how. The asian governments collects taxes and uses that to buy debt from western countries (bonds)? Or is it something else? Hope someone can help me understand :-)