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  1. There was a news item in the Dutch news that surfaced today and even when reading the title of it I was thinking of an important forgotten factor. There is of course another point of discussion, especially considering voluntaryism; if judges may intervene in personal choices, but that is for this topic a secondary point. I was discussing this on a Dutch forum and I was the first one to bring up the factor "father" (vader in Dutch, as in "Darth Vader", see Stefans review of the recent Star Wars movie). In a parallel topic there was just 1 person who had the same idea, a woman actually . Both my and her reactions were regarded with disbelief and taunt. The fiercest "defenders" of the "unique right of the mother to decide over what's in her belly" were... men. Both surprising (in my opinion) and not (considering the fierce feministic fantasy that has been propagandised in the country for decades). My argument for the right of the father to have an equal say in the decision for incision is that a child is the result of the choice of two people together, not only the mother has the right to decide over life or death of the unborn (in case of cesareans we talk about fetal viability, other than abortion which is far earlier in the pregnancy). I have brought up that if this inequality of rights is to be advocated, then the father is double (or triple) fucked (no pun intended) by 1) the hopelessly archaic system of alimony (installed in times when women were not gaining household incomes like they are perfectly capable of today) and 2) the skewed allocation of the child(ren)'s custody in case of a divorce (mostly to the mother, not the father). ============================= What's your view on this sensitive topic?
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