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  1. Hello, folks! Chess is an intellectual's game, a battle of tactical prowess and positional leverage symbolizing the eternal struggle posed between the forces of good and evil, light and dark, BLACK AND WHITE! I'm curious to know, are there others in this community who enjoy the challenge of chess? I believe it to be truly unrivaled in its depth and complexity; no two games are ever truly the same (except novel fool's mates performed on unsuspecting victims). It'd be great to hear of your experiences in chess, how you came to appreciate the game, and the degree to which you think that skill in deeply logic-based games like chess may or may not translate into other facets of life, like business, education, etc. As for me, I've always been fond of the game, having been the strongest chess player at my school during Junior / Senior year of high school. Many a lunch were spent in the computer classroom sitting at an empty table, battling away the opposing forces of my fellow classmates. Since leaving highschool and not having any friends who're into chess, I decided to make a chess.com account a couple of years ago. Boy, was I surprised to find out that I had the strength of but an average chess player! My average rating was ~1000, right in the middle of the bell curve. So given that information, I strove to become better at chess! I've been pretty passive achieving this goal for the first year and a half, but this summer I aim to improve my play to a rating of 1400 across the board of all speeds of play. I've already made it in one category! Anyhow, add me on chess.com if you've got an account and like to play! http://www.chess.com/members/view/Shnugwa
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