This article wound up on my Facebook feed. Basically, the author wants everyone to feel guilty about happiness they find in a career or for creating jobs for people with low skills. Throw in some pity for academics, women, and the ever-exploited entry level worker. This paragraph makes me giggle every time (DWYL= do what you love):
"Ironically, DWYL reinforces exploitation even within the so-called lovable professions where off-the-clock, underpaid, or unpaid labor is the new norm: reporters required to do the work of their laid-off photographers, publicists expected to Pin and Tweet on weekends, the 46 percent of the workforce expected to check their work email on sick days. Nothing makes exploitation go down easier than convincing workers that they are doing what they love."
Snapping pictures! Pinning! Tweeting! Refreshing email! The man's keeping us down!