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  1. Conflict with a workmate regarding a comment. There is a conflict at work regarding an individual who has since left. It is something I said. I said, “I did like her because he was probably smarter than the rest of you guys”. They also think I have a soft spot for her. Not exactly, I found out later her nature is more rebellious socialist and not anarchist. Her nature is generally un politically correct even by most pro Donald Trump supporter standards. This is why most of the office did not like her, but none had any direct conflict with her though. One day I was alone with her and I was talking about my bicycle camera. She went on to talk about her experiences with cyclist (mostly negative). One cyclist accused her of crashing into him and then trying to sue her later for damages. Look back at it, she is more of an aggressive driver then me and her insurance is more than double mine so anything was possible. She says if a cyclist gets in her way she will run him over then reverse back over him. She soon has the same talk with my other workmate. On the way to the washroom to get changed’ I said, ‘you can’t say that’. But my other workmate said. ‘You don’t understand, she was joking.’ When I brought up this comment as a comparison she said’ “she may say bad many things but none is directed at anyone in the office but your comments was”. But the comment was. I am a cyclist and she hated them enough to make this comment. It wasn’t a simple comment about cyclists being stupid. The question I tried to ask is "how bad would a negative comment about cyclists have to be before it equals my comments." How about comments about black cyclists? PS anyone know how to show I am a donator on my profile.
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