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Found 5 results

  1. I found some intriguing videos about 9/11 a while back and wanted you to watch them and make a video on them. I know you're not one to believe in conspiracy theories, but I think after seeing these videos you might change your mind. WATCH IN ORDER FROM TOP TO BOTTOM!
  2. Stefan shares visions typical of Zionist patriotic propaganda as he brings up genetics to dissipate the disproportionate influence and power the Jewish and/or Zionist lobbies exert on the Western world. REALLY?! My response: The super-achieving Nobel winning Jews Stefan refers to are NOT even close to being a distinct racial group. They come from all corners of Europe (usually where socioeconomic conditions favour higher education and research) http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2013/131008/ncomms3543/full/ncomms3543.html. Ethiopian Jews are not discovering and inventing much. Sephardic Jews still living in third world countries are not inventing much. The same goes for Semitic Jews in Arabia and Iran who are not in the process of discovering the next subatomic particle either. The reason there are a lot of Jews in a variety of sectors in the West is because as an religiously inspired and endogamic tribalist community they may or tend to favour their own (usually according to political inclination). An example is Murdoch and his warmongering media networks; Hollywood and its propaganda, Western governments and parliaments and their proportion of MPs who visited Israel (more than 10% of French MPs have Israeli passports), etc. These are areas that do not even require an exceptional IQ but because they are key to maintain power and carry out more colonialism they will not be handed out to the anti-war Jew or the anti-war black guy (by the way, anti-war Jews are rarely spoken of and tend to get beaten up by terror groups like the Jewish Defense League who benefit from complete impunity in countries like France). The rest of Jewry who are not doing so well have suffered a long history of racism from European Jews. Just look up Israeli crimes committed on Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews after WWII (the Israeli government actually had to apologise officially to Sephardi Jews) and the racism Ethiopian Jews have to endure to have a chance in the apartheid colonialist state of Israel. @ Stefan: add these other less mediatised less privileged Jewish people to the equation and then more context to your vision, and you will see that the genetic racialist explanation has no basis. Also, the Zionist "conspiracy" is an agenda that can be verified by the geopolitical developments on the ground (see the expantionist evolution of Israel on the map), the recurring Israeli wars of aggression on its neighbouring countries, the number of politicians who declare their unfailing support for Israel in order to further their political career, disproportionate financial and military aid shipped from Western countries under Zionist influence, the same countries' veto history, etc. Furthermore, it is no secret that this "conspiacy" has been declared by Zionist high-profile personalities many times in the media and in political literature. One example of this is sephardi jew Jacques Attali, known for his reputation as a visionary, and as an advisor to French presidents Sarkozy, Hollande and Mittérand, also an omnipresent figure on TV and philosophical forums, who says: It will be the people's choice whether the new world order will be established either after another world war or without another world war [through the submission of the people]. The new world order will have a central capital, and it is my dream that it would be the city of Jerusalem in Israel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr_yHoUTMEo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBiGyA9iDWE Maybe, it's time to snap out of denial... One would expect Stefan to see Zionist/Jewish lobbies as the prime example of the inherently corruptible government system and the limitless extent that can go, instead of using empty language such as "conspiracy theory" or bringing up a racialist explanation.
  3. The Truth About the Race War was great. A lot of fascinating historical examples of conspiring to pit people against each other using race as fuel. Toward the end I was like, "...this is a great conspiracy." Has Stefan ever mentioned anything about his take on any other conspiracies specifically?
  4. About year ago I stumbled across a story that was so incredible that it was almost impossible to believe. When I asked myself the question "would the government really do that?", the answer was a clear and resounding "yes". It's a long story, but the introduction for newcomers must begin by reading the book "Gold Warriors - America's secret recovery of Yamashita's Gold". It's available here at the author's website http://www.bowstring.net, where you can also buy 1.5GB of additional material and evidence on 3 CDs. You can also buy it from Amazon and for the Kindle. [Full Disclosure: I have no association with Sterling or Peggy Seagrave, their website, nor any of the material they're written or produced. I'm simply a guy who read the story and was totally stunned how much real evidence of this conspiracy is readily available today, but basically no one knows about it.] In an effort to keep this post short I'll summarise as follows: If there was ever enough public awareness of the information revealed in this book, it would unmake the world. If all it took to destroy the world as we know it, was for the truth to see the light of day, then it is right that it should be destroyed. If this topic is of interest to people, I have a lot more information that I will post about. As I said, I've been researching this story for over a year now.
  5. Worth of watching IMO, which also applies to the channel, Sargon of Akkad
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