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  1. This is an "open letter" written to Stefan concerning his recent interview of Noam Chomsky: Hello Stefan I value your work greatly, so keep it up and get it out. HOWEVER! Ouch! I just yesterday, Dec 31, saw your recent video with Noam Chomsky, jeez!, what a disappointment. What were you thinking…or, rather, not thinking but emoting? I would like to know why you had Chomsky on your program and did not in anyway challenge this man’s irrational philosophy and his shameful public record that proves his hypocrisy. Having viewed a number of your videos (up to this Chomsky one) I find very little in your content I disagree with (although your style for my tastes veers too often into patronization especially when you get younger/less status persons on your show), so I am assuming you are as capable as I am to analyze the irrational bases of the oxymoronic, collectivist brand of anarchism. I further assume you have read enough of Chomsky to know he espouses a “Libertarian Socialism” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarian_socialism) which is against private property and the free market and believes in using the State to defeat the State—therefore, are as capable as I am of analyzing the sophistic doublethinks and ploys of Chomsky and calling him out on these. I know you have criticized aspects of the leftist anti-capitalist mentality so I am nonplussed that you would have Chomsky on your show and not debate him on his public ideology that is so at odds with the one you (and I) hold. As to the public record of his hypocrisy, I am hoping you have not yet seen the film Do As I Say or read the book of same title the movie is based on. Because if you have seen the film or read the book’s section on Chomsky…then I certainly question your lack of moral integrity on treating Chomsky as you did on your program. So I would like an explanation please of why you had Chomsky on your show and gave him the praise you did (to the point of fawning) let alone not taking him to task for all his wrong-headed thinking and immoral hypocrisy. In the past you have a fine record of debunking the Wolves-Sheeple’s setup heroes such as Gandhi and Mandela, so why have you not done this for an equally mendacious Emperor-with-no-clothes Chomsky? There is a large literature on the negatives of Chomsky as mentioned above but I suggest you start with the non-ideological hypocrisy of the man that best expresses his immorality and for that you only need to go to the book “Do As I Say (Not As I Do)” by Peter Schweitzer and the film of the same name by Nicolas Tucker and Lucas Abel. I will be pleased to be on your show to debate you if you want to continue to uphold Chomsky as a person that anarcho-libertarians should emulate or even side with except for clearly defined politically tactical reasons. By the way, I know you have appeared on Alex Jones’ show a number of times—are you aware he has called Chomsky out for his hypocrisy and sophistic double-dealings? Cheers, Jack in Beijing, China reviews-Do As I Say - Home.pdf Do as I Say (Not as I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.pdf DoAsISay.pdf
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