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  1. I have been reading about the identitarian groups in europe and their fight. Briefly on how they see things: * The socialists took power by first winning what they call meta-politics (everything in society besides politics), by activism, pushing their views in the face of people, slowly taking control of the culture, later the media and government. * The old right have (as Stefan also points out) used the same failed method: "the best argument will always win". Problem is that most problem can't think critical, the best arguments don't win. * And the old right have been trying to please the left. When the left went crazy, the right backed out and gave up. The left keep repeating this until they win. These old right-wingers are also known as cuckservatives. * The last 10-15 years the right wing battle in europe has been fought by the lower class (often people impacted by the problems of middle eastern immigration in europe), but these people have poor argumentation skills, are "uncool" and can't start a counter culture. * The new rights strategy, use the cultural marxist strategy (activism, make fun of their opinions in public, shaming, expelling them, build our own medias and communities, produce our own culture etc.) except for their bad strategies (violence and lying). And don't compromise with the left when they start whining, ignore them. What do you guys think about it, can the right-wing win meta-politics? I think it's very interesting to see the Identitarians work. Check out Martin Sellner's videos. Hint hint: Stefan should do an interview with him.
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