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  1. Placeholder until I can find the article again (stupid browser isn't ) Would like to know if it has been posted before (or if this is the wrong area to post such things) My apologies if this is a bit sensitive to some readers here.. You unfortunate have live the with many of these marxists and anti anti-White forces directly. OYu elites invite them , and they act to stir up your The parents emigrated from (a shithole if there ever was one... made from stolen land at that)... the dictator in power there is an old guard Communist figure who is also sympathetic to Islamist causes [and perhaps financial backing].. [for info, look up the Amoudi terror arrest (by the FBI) in 2005].. so these ideas she espouses may run in her family, additionin the party line in her native country for decades (apple not falling far from tree) {eDIT: Foudn mor einof for the mbmers here (hope you are enjoying todays show as welll.....can't currently get it to load on my set up, so wil lhave to listne whenever it posts) "Al-Amoudi https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.discoverthenetworks.org%2FindividualProfile.asp%3Findid%3D1311&udata=256af8e6f84fccf3eeb7e42371800428 https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fwp-dyn%2Farticles%2FA36718-2004Oct15.html&udata=4d97cc73bc4951daf4317e4ce90eea54 I will try and find more links and more bio info when I have free time... Maybe should drop this spoiled brat in Russia (or maybe Ukraine ) or any country where the descendants of thos ewho had to suffer for her beloved "idea" may dispose of her properly..
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