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  1. I was wondering how many people in the FDR community lift weights and if they would be able to offer me some insight on my current situation? I've been lifting weights for about a year now and I'm having difficulty finding a new routine that fits my schedule and requirements for the gym, and also some concerns on diet. So far I've done SS, some random splits to get me familiar with other exercises, Jonnie Candito's 6 week program, and a program I'm on right now called Bulldog powerbuilding split. Currently, my requirements for a program is that it's 3 days per week and is on Sunday, Monday, and Wednsday (I have a class I attend on these days hence why they're so specific) and I get my weights and sparring done on these days. My numbers have been stagnating lately and my current routine isn't leaving me feeling confident in feeling like I know what I'm doing. I'm also concerned that doing the core lifts for so long I need something else to stress my muscles since they're probably used to doing squats for the 10,000th time. My main goal is to gain strength and improve my core lifts, so I've been doing powerlifting routines for the most part. I've been successful in putting on mass however I'm looking to cut the excess bodyfat I took on while getting bigger and I've heard left and right stories on cutting/bulking and it being possible to keep making gains while losing fat. This is a frequent issue I've found in doing my homework and wanted to hear if anyone has a take on how to go about preserving/improving muscle mass while taking steps towards shedding fat. Current 1RM estimates (in lbs) Bench: ~130 Squat: ~200 Military Press: ~90 Deadlift: ~260 (With straps) TL;DR Any powerlifters here with good 3 day program recommendations? Any and all help/insight would be greatly appreciated.
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