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  1. Hello, I am new to FDR. I'm not sure how relevant this is to this specific group of the forum but I am currently dealing with my manipulative father. He claims to love me and my siblings, but has no interest in what makes us happy and quickly diverts the conversation whenever it begins to get to the truth of our feelings. He is quick to become offended, and is really very irrational to the point when I bring up problems in the household caused by him he proceeds to attack my education as if it were something that has made me the irrational one. "look at the smart guy over here, he has the answers for everything". I am currently and have been involved in a family business with him by force and persuasion since I was 7, it was never my choice to help him, and it often left me beaten, broken emotionally and instilled a dangerous self hatred within myself that I have only recently began to overcome. Im sorry to be blurting my issues out on the forum, but lets make this less personal to me and I was wondering if you guys out there, you honest, good people, could help me identify when it is that I am being manipulated. What are the characteristics of manipulators? Why are do they chose to be manipulators? Is there something in their voice or the kind of words they use that indicate a manipulation (hidden agendas and motives)? How can one avoid being manipulated for being passive and caring?? I am stuck in a difficult position, and I would really appreciate your help in learning how to not be used anymore for being someone who is kind and wants to help everyone. it is my greatest strength but also my weakness, im tired of being exploited for wanting to be good.
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