Came across this letter on the internet the other day. Here's the link and a copy of what the letter says.
While Chad certainly deserves support from his family members, which unfortunately he is not getting from his mother and fortunately he is getting from his grandfather, I couldn't help but think that what is missing from this letter is the grandfather's recognition of his own culpability for his daughter's behavior.
He says a parent disowning their child goes against nature and then proceeds to contradict himself and do the same thing. That being said, I have to wonder what's worse - disowning your child for something completely out of their control, or disowning your child for something that is a great deal your own fault.
I'm not surprised that the daughter of a man who would call her a "B-word" would be ignorant of her own sons needs. It reminded me of the analogy of the painter who steps back from his painting saying, "who painted this ugly piece of shit?"
Thoughts or insights? Any errors in my logic?