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  1. Hi. I didnt know If I should post this thread in Men's Issues subforum, or here. It affected me personally, so I decided to post it here, but the problem is about my parents divorce and my issues with it. I still have problems figuring stuff out after 12 years. They divorces when I was 15. The issue that come up with me is how the house was given to my mother, and that he still payed child support for me after divorce. And there are issues surrounding their explenations of things. Lots of confusion in me about it. I stayed with my mother after divorce, maybe that is why I have one sided view of it. But now I live on my own and am trying to figure this out, after watching latest Stef's video on youtube called "cheating, flirting and the opposite sex". My father payed repayments for house during their marriage. And payed approximately half the salary of my mother monthly to her. They both work. My father did not do any of house work. I was so to speak in that role. The problem that I need to figure out is that if that was fair, that my mother was given house and child support after divorce. The divorce was proclaimed as his fault, becouse of cheating(after she find out that he cheat she wanted divorce), abuse, alcoholism etc. He wanted to take us to court, but she refuses, becouse as she said she dont want us to go thru this. But now I am confused. Was that fair? That she takes the house? Was that in our good, that we where not taken to court? Or that was her cover explanation. My father was mostly absent during my childhood. I heared mostly from my mother how dick he was. Occasionally my father was doing the same as to her. Is his dickishness explain or justify that she was given house after divorce. Was that fair? I was thinking about talking about it with my father. But I am hesitant. He will rant me about how horrible this was to live with her and I will feel angry at her. And when I talk with her, she will rant me about him being a dick. Like bouncing ball I will feel, so i write here. Maybe someone can give me some clarity. Thanks for any response.
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