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Found 2 results

  1. What this says about the future of the drugs war is anyones guess, but I think it's a bit of a landmark all the same. Jeffrey Tucker wrote his opinion of it here: http://tucker.liberty.me/2015/04/27/obama-interviews-david-simon-the-drug-war-gets-weird/
  2. So I was having a debate with my friend, we were talking about prostituion regulation and drug regulation. I managed to prove him wrong with statistics and reasoning towards the deregulation of prostitution, drugs, guns, etc. But then he stumped me on pollution, the sale of uranium to make nuclear weapons, and bioweapons/virus regulation. I dislike government like the next guy, but what would keep a person/organization other than governments from making nuclear weapons, bioweapons, and polluting like crazy if there were no regulation on the sale of uranium, the pollution emission, and the lab regulations to keep labs from making bioweaponry? I get that of course government makes nuclear weapons and probably bioweapons too, but I understand that governments wouldn't want to unleash that on each other because it would detrimental to the leaders (the parasites need the host to live). What would keep an evil guy or organization from building nuclear weapons/bioweapons and unleashing them on the world?
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