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  1. Some of Stefan's podcasts talk about how Conspirists actually serve the Establishment better than the cause they claim to serve. It struck me but the more I pondered it, themore it really rings true. The 9/11 Truthers really busy themselves trying to prove something that even with the best evidence....does nothing because all the players already ensconsed themselves in 'legal loopholes' that the average citizen would spend a lifetime and fortune unravelling with no progress. Anyway, my friend came from the left and still has some residual habits leftover. Her hubby is Russian and I think still traumatized by the Communist regime and what I perceived as healthy skepticism is not, instead it's complete redundant, OCD conspiracy. they are a bit older (in their mid/late 50s) and only converted to Libertarianism in the last decade or so, so I wouldn't expect her to be (or anyone to be) a purist of sorts but still...I guess I expected the wisdom of self-awareness at that age. EVERY election her 'assessment' of the candidates are the same. Now, Trump is the Establishment's chosen man to deal with the economic crash. Now it's funny because she only stated that after he is the clear projected nominee. I threw some of Stefan's predictions at her early on and she brushed me off as if she was too busy with more important things. But now that 'retrospect' gives us all perfect vision, she is SURE he is part of the establishment. ugh. Like there is no wiggle room. No room to contemplate the vantages he brings. My healthy skepticism is like...ok...he totally could be but it's not like there aren't other factors to consider that he might be the real deal (albeit now a politician) but moreso than the rest. It's just a bit frustrating and more accurately disappointing, since she is a dear friend of mine who has shared many philosophical disussions and I still continue but ...you know how it is. But seriously.... the guy gives up his already busy lifestyle in making millions/billions to do shit work of 'serving the public' and ok.... so he hooks up some of his buddies..... what will he get out of it. MORE fame? MORE money? This ''he's a narcissist' can only carry on so far. I think the dude knows he has more money than god...not more than the Rothchilds but more than enough to make him feel large and in charge... now Hillary has ONLY used politics to make herself more money and more fame and when people put them in the same categor I get so annoyed...like pissed! So this wasn't a question, more of a rant/sharing so if anyone has more to add, please feel free.
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