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  1. People used to think the earth was flat. Communism is at one end of the political spectrum, and fascism at the other. All political positions are therefore somewhere in between the two (despite the fact that they are nearly identical). You can pick a position, so long as it in between tyranny and tyranny. The police exist to serve and protect you. The government obeys the will of the people. The government is good. Australia is a capitalist country. The police are good. Prison is where bad people are sent. I had to obey the teachers commands. Potential employers give a shit about my test scores. The goal of schools is to prepare people for the workforce. The things taught in school are useful. Australia is a free country. You only have 5 senses. The purpose of the military is to defend the freedom of Australians. Democracy is good. You have to obey. I could go on. Would anyone like to add anything?
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