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  1. Every "offensive" remark that Donald Trump has made has been intentionally offensive, to incite rage into a very insignificantly small minority, with the sole purpose of gaining media coverage. Donald Trump said, at his most recent New Hampshire speech, "How many cameras are lit, yeah there's a lot of them. Every time I speak now, it's on live television. You know why? It's a very simple business. Ratings! If I didn't get ratings these cameras would not be on. Okay? They would not be on." So when you hear Donald Trump make silly remarks that seem to invoke intense emotional responses in relatively insignificant vocal minorities, I want people to know exactly why that is happening, and that it is totally calculated and intentional. These insignificant vocal minorities are being used as pawns. EDIT: If you haven't seen the new South Park episode, it couldn't have come at a more perfect time. It's about how absurd political correctness has become in this country. Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee... and if the Democratic party gifts him the opponent of Hilary Clinton, who he will absolutely destroy, then he is going to be America's next president. You've been warned. I hope he doesn't totally fuck up foreign policy, although he likely will... In that South Park episode, Tom Brady was identified as the ideal for how to manage public scrutiny. Deny involvement and claim hypocrisy on those who rightfully accuse him of wrongdoing. Today, Donald Trump announced that Tom Brady has official endorsed his presidential campaign. I can't make this shit up.
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