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  1. Hi thinkers and alike, The following is an excerpt from: 'BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF EXTREMELY LOW FREQUENCY ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS: A REVIEW' by ANDREW A. MARINO and ROBERT O. BECKER [...] "In the most thorough study of the phenomenon, Wever[56-58] isolated human subjects in underground bunkers for 3-8 weeks and measured their temperature and activity circadian rhythms. He found that subjects living in a shielded bunker exhibit periodicities in body temperature significantly different from those of subjects living in a non-shielded bunker. He also reported that desynchronization between the two rhythms occurred only in the shielded bunker. Both effects ceased when an artificial electric field of 0.025 v/cm at 10 Hz was applied, indicating that the total ambient electromagnetic environment on the one hand and the artificial field on the other influence human circadian rhythms similarly in the respects investigated. Altman and Soltau[59] exposed guinea pigs to 2.4 v/cm at 10 Hz and maintained parallel groups under Faraday conditions and under normal ambient conditions. They found that shielding produced changes in the hematocrit and the distribution of blood proteins but that both parameters returned to normal in the presence of the artificially applied field. Lang[60] exposed mice to 35 v/cm at 10 Hz and maintained parallel groups under Faraday conditions and under normal ambient conditions. Shielding produced changes in body water content, blood hemoglobin, and blood sodium levels. The effects were eliminated following exposure to the artificial electric field." [...] Rütger Wever R. Wever articles Faraday cage Schumann resonance(s) Circadian cycle(s) Telomere(s)
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