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Found 3 results

  1. I am unable to put a checkmark in the box for the email option in my notification settings. There is a note stating that email may not be available for all options, but I can't select it for any option. I do have my email entered and saved, and I have tried un-checking the other, non-email option first. Any ideas?
  2. I signed up for the email subscription not long after you guys started offering it and have not received anything yet. Didn’t see anything in my junk folder either. Should I try again?
  3. You can read their summary here: https://protonmail.ch/pages/security_details.php This is actually something interesting to me because I've been working on writing an email client from scratch with both OpenPGP and S/MIME encryption in mind, but the one thing that that was always an unsolvable problem using the standard email encryption protocols was that header metadata cannot be encrypted. ProtonMail seems to solve that by being a web-based solution that doesn't really follow the standard email protocols. In order to interoperate with existing email clients, what they do is send the client a URL where they can read the encrypted message by decrypting it in their browser.
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