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  1. Hey folks. My name is Dan. Aside from being an ardent AnCap and avid supporter of Freedomain Radio, I am also an entrepreneur in the engineering field. I wanted to share my services with the Freedomain Radio community, as I know that many of you are enterpeneurs (and I know that Stef is all about entrepreneurship). I am a mechanical engineer and will have a degree in mechatronic systems in 6 months. In about 18 months I will have my professional engineering license. I am in the process of gearing up for my start-up engineering business! The concept is quite simple: Prototype engineering services I want to help individuals, inventors, companies, etc. take their ideas from conception all the way to a physical, working prototype in their hands. That includes refining the idea, engineering/optimizing the design, and manufacturing the physical prototype. I come to you to offer my services! I guarantee that you won't find better prices than mine. Why is that? I am relatively young (25 years old) and inexperienced (2 years as a full-time mechanical engineer), so I am trying to gain some experience on smaller, low-key jobs before fully opening my doors and quitting my day job. In other words, I am gaining speed down the runway before I "take off". We've all had awesome ideas, but most of the time they never move beyond that stage. If you have an idea for a product or gadget but don't know how to take the next step, let me know! I'll engineer it and produce a working prototype for you! Every transaction is agorist, of course. Any idea is welcome. I also work with microcontrollers, so if your idea requires a "brain", that's no problem! Some sample ideas to get your creative juices flowing: - Automatic plant watering system - Any hand tools - Sun-tracking solar panel - "Balancing act" vehicle - Saltwater conversion system - Tempersture regulated hydraulic system Here are some pictures of a product I designed with my brother. We are about to 3D print the models and test the design! '
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