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  1. Hi everyone. I had an interaction with my therapist that I want to run by the self-knowledge lovers in the community.A while ago my therapist said that 99% of parents do the best they can with that they have. It bothered me at the time but I didn't want to interrupt her. In the next session, or maybe two sessions later, I reminded her what she said and told her I didn't think that was true, that at best it is meaningless and at worst it excuses bad parenting and miniminzes good parenting. She seemed to think about it for a second and said I made some good points. She basically agreed and said that she actually doesn't think it is true that most parents do the best they can with what they have.I asked her why she said it then, and this is the part I'm concerned about. I must have fogged because I don't remember how excactly she answered the question but my impression is that she excused her inconsistency, basically with something along the lines that people like to think that parents do the best they can. At some point after I asked, she told me that I was welcome to email her about these ideas (she called them theories which struck me as strange). She said that the things I was saying would get a room full of psychology graduate students talking.When she said this, I felt flattered and pleased. I also felt scared at the prospect of emailing her about such things. I kind of expected her to be curious as to why, but she didn't ask me about the fear and I didn't press the topic.I feel weird about this interaction and am hoping someone here can help me figure out what that feeling is about. Specifically, I am wondering if I was manipulated into getting distracted from my therapist's inconsistency or if I am reading too much into it.
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