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My family and I have all left comments on recent videos, right after they are posted online, before they hit 500 plus comments. Our comments are being hidden from the pages. All of them, from three separate accounts on two different modems in two different states. This is happening all over conservative channels. Help our side push a message board, or begin another, that allows all conservatives/non-conservatives to post and not worry about censorship of our ideas and discussions. Recommend this one to your family and friends as a place to get started.
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In FDR3077 Stefan makes the claim: If there were cases of actual wrong doing by the police where the police are exonerated for killing someone due to racism, then these cases would be front and center rather than the false stories that they are choosing to report on instead. Would they? I believe I have heard Stefan make this claim in other places as well. Stefan is now speculating as to the motives of the media for reporting falsehoods. Since we are speculating about motives, I have an alternative theory: Suppose the motive of these false reports were divide and conquer. Would it make sense to report obviously true stories of police racism? If you report the true story, then everyone rational is going to agree that racism is a problem and there will be unity. However, if you trump up a false story, the rational people are going to oppose such a story and be lumped in with racists. So, reporting a true story about racism is uniting. We can see this with the civil rights movement starting in the 1950’s. Television showed what racism really looks like and rather than dividing, it united whites with blacks because they were both abhorred by what was actually going on. Now, suppose instead of showing blacks sprayed with firehoses for protesting or being arrested for trying to eat at a restaurant, the media showed false examples of racism and then tried to hold them up as true examples of racism while intentionally ignoring or even burying the true examples? Would that divide or unite people? My point here is that maybe rational people are being manipulated more than we think. Maybe there really are plenty of true examples of police racism but they are not being reported because the media has a divide and conquer agenda and reporting true examples of police racism would unite people rather than divide them. Any thoughts?
Lately I've been reviewing books that would make you feel optimistic and happy about the world so I figured a review one that will make you really think that it's all FUBAR (great acronym "fucked up beyond any recognition"). The book shows how journalism has died in the digital age because of how the economics of the Internet reward the worst behavior from journalists and news websites Videoblog of this book review The subtitle of the book is Confessions of a Media Manipulator, the author is a PR consultant who would cleverly orchestrate the media to do his bidding and draw millions of eyeballs. He says Conning the conmen is one of life’s most satisfying pleasures. (p. 39) In the first chapter of the book he describes dressing all in black in the dead of night to go vandalize his own billboards, just to create a click bait worthy scandal. Which just sounds fun to me! In the book he describes the trading up 'media hack', I’d start with using HARO to get quoted on a blog that didn’t care much about credentials, then use that piece as a marker of authority to justify inclusion in a more reputable publication. (p. 56) How to go viral “the most powerful predictor of virality is how much anger an article evokes” (p. 63) I made it my strategy to manufacture chatter by exploiting emotions of high valence: arousal and indignation. (p. 66) On Fact Checking The link economy encourages blogs to point their readers to other bloggers who are saying crazy things, to borrow from each other without verification, and to take more or less completed stories from other sites, add a layer of commentary, and turn it into something they call their own. (p. 150) On trust He talks about how for some reason we assume that since something is written down it must be more legitimate than just something somebody says... Studies have shown that the brain experiences reading and listening in profoundly different ways; they activate different hemispheres for the exact same content. We place an inordinate amount of trust in things that have been written down. (p. 185) On snarkiness To be called a douche is to be branded with all the characteristics of what society deigns to hate but can’t define. It’s a way to dismiss someone entirely without doing any of the work or providing any of the reasons. (p. 204) On fake news The process is simple: Create a pseudo-event, trade it up the chain, elicit real responses and action, and you have altered reality itself. (p. 220) From here we get the defining feature of our world today: a blurred line between what is real and what is fake; what actually happens and what is staged; (p. 220) For example 2002, Vice President Dick Cheney leaked bogus information to an attention-hungry reporter for the New York Times, and then mentioned his own leak on Meet the Press to help convince us to invade Iraq. (p. 221) Probably like yourself, I almost never watch the mainstream media; Fox, CBS, CNN, NBC, BBC but there's a couple of what they call alternative media channels and personalities I do follow and have some degree of trust in because they are more antiestablishmentarian. Their news programs are not interrupted every 10 minutes with an advertisement from Pfizer or Ford. Unfortunately, after reading this book, I have even less trust in the alternative media sources I follow because I see that they are also subject to the unfortunate economics of the Internet that reward quantity over quality and scandal over veracity. How to combat fake news... This books confirms what I recommend in the High Leverage Information Diet which is to spend more time reading more books and less time reading articles. Book's are just so much more likely to contain truthful information because anyone writing a book has to spend at least $900 to have that book edited; they are going to take their fact checking a whole lot more seriously than that journalist or blogger who must bang out 3 articles a day. Anyone writing a book knows that their reputation and public persona is going to be permanently tied back to whatever they say in that book. Whereas a blogger or a "online journalist" has so much less moral responsibility for what they write. I'll encourage you to not read the news and if you do read the news because there's a story that you just have to inform yourself about read the stories and analysis that come out a couple of days or (ideally) weeks or months after the fact. These are so much more likely to present an accurate and holistic picture than the breaking news is.Thanks to the current US elections we are perhaps living in era where more eyeballs than ever before are transfixed by the breaking news. We have this epic showdown between this iconic egotistical billionaire and this Machiavellian, double faced super politician. I bet you that in a few years books will be written about this election that reveal things that are completely contrary to what the news is telling us right now. Get your information from online sources that are not economically compromised. The more ads you see surrounding the news you are reading the higher the likelihood that the veracity of news has been compromised by factors described in this book. This is a big part of the reason why I've never had ads on my website or Youtube channel that paid me per view. I've always made my money as a blogger or Youtuber via affiliate commissions. So my economic incentive is to make the most trustworthy recommendations of the very best products to my audience, so that they will keep buying them. I've always known that as soon as I installed ads on my site I would become a slave to the page view. Now a days we see some alternative media sources that serve the news and they make money by selling supplements, asking for donations or selling books. These seem like an imperfect but definitely more honest economic models of journalism than being paid tiny fractions of a cent per pageview. Some examples of this would be, Free Domain Radio or Mike Cernovich of Danger & Play. I'll add a silver lining to the pessimistic conclusions presented here; now a days whenever any type of news worthy event happens what do you almost always see around the periphery of the event? Everybody holding their smart phones out recording the event. It looks pretty funny actually, as opposed to enjoying the event or making an effort to keep their whits about them to stay safe, everybody is just transfixed on documenting it with their little rectangular devices. While it's a weirdly narcissistic behavior, it's great for the overall veracity of news and online discourse. There's been all sorts of instances where a scandalous news story broke and the public shaming and hysteria began but then a grainy video of what actually happened surfaced and everyone learned the truth. Eventually when we live in a world where almost everything that happens is recorded will "fake news" still be so prevalent? Maybe not...
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By threatening to dox a reddit user unless he remains silent the fake news network "CNN" has declared war on the entire internet community. Unless we fight back CNN could do this to anyone of us! Sign a petition to revoke their broadcasting license: But even more important, hit them where it hurts - contact and boycott their advertisers: (Remember to use #CNNBlackmail when contacting them via twitter!) Ace Hardware: Aleve: Alfa Romeo: Allegra: American Petroleum Institute: Audi: AT&T: Bayer: Behr Paints: BMW: Century Link: Chamonix (tourist destination):,101,en.html Clear Choice: Dell: Expedia: Click "Contact Us" Exxon Mobil: Hewlett-Packard: Hilton: Infiniti: Jos. A Bank: Lexus: Marriott: McDonald's: Men's Wearhouse: Mini Cooper: Michelob: Microsoft: Mercedes-Benz: National Car Rental: National Education Association: Optum: Panera: Pom Wonderful: Prudential: Stelara: Sleep Number Beds: Stella Artois: TD Ameritrade: Tempurpedic: US Postal Service: Vistaprint: Vita Coco: Whole Foods: Here is a comprehensive list of all Time Warner (CNN's parent) sponsors or cooperations. Call them, and let them know that we will not be using their products until they abolish their ties to the Cable News Network. Company/Group Number HEC Paris MBA Program France numbers only JK Harris and Company 800-556-9795 AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals 800-236-9933 E-Trade 800-387-2331 Monex Precious Metals 800-444-8317 Sprint / Nextel 1-888-211-4727 Nextel 1-800-639-6111 Select Quote 800-777-8300 Wells Fargo 800-869-3557 AARP 888-687-2277 Philips / Norelco (212) 850-5000 [email protected] Subaru 1-800-782-2783 Geico 800-861-8380 Boston Market 800-365-7000 800-843-2446 Liberty Medical 800-970-4831 Live Well Financial 800-917-1170 American Coalition for Clean Coal 877-358-6699 University of Phoenix None Partnership for Prescription Assistance 888-477-2669 Ehealth Insurance Services 800-977-8860 Dodge 1-800-853-1403 Hyundai 800-633-5151 Jos A Banks Clothiers 800-999-7472 or 800-285-2265 Career (800) 638-4212 Zurich Financial Services Swiss numbers only Johnson and Johnson 732-524-0400 US Home Auction 800-793-6107 Cisco 800-553-6387 or 408-526-4000 Exxon Mobil 972-444-1000 Jitterbug 800-918-8543
So, I was watching one of my favorite TV programs tonight. The story line had a significant resemblance to the "Pizza Gate" story. Here are the narratives that I found particularly interesting. 1.) The accused politician was completely innocent, he had been framed by an unidentified political enemy. 2.) The hacker that got into his computer was hired to frame him by said enemy. 3.) The investigator who revealed the story was a con artist interested only in generating "Click bait" to bring traffic to his ads. 4.) The first gunman who showed up to rescue the girls was stopped by the police. 5.) The second gunman killed the innocent politician in front of his daughter. 6.) The real child sex ring was discovered by the hacker who found them to frame the politician. 7.) The police not only cracked the ring but rescued the girls. 8.) The investigator created muck to throw at the police investigators that put them and their children at risk. So Politician (good guy) Hacker (greedy guy) Online investigator (very bad guy) Gunmen ( dupes) Police (heroes) Thoughts?
In a recent google search to figure out how to determine fake news from real news, I noticed something rather... telling. Of the top 10 results, about 8 of them were from notoriously left-leaning liberal news sources. NPR, PBS, Washington Post, etc. So, I figured I'd come to a place that might actually be able to provide some insight. How do YOU determine fake from real news? Where do you get your news from? How do you decide who to trust and who to disregard?
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With all the talk of fake news going around lately, I created this guide to help solve the problem once and for all! You won't find a better guide anywhere on the internet I'd love your thoughts on this so that I can continue to improve upon it and make it the most comprehensive guide on determining truth from falsehood in the new media.
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