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  1. Hi all, Not sure where to put this, so I figured Misc. would be the best choice Also, I hope it doesn't come across as shameless self-promotion either. I've been making youtube videos for a while, and I think that I haven't gotten much better at expressing my true thoughts on what I want to say. I live in Japan, so my channel is mostly about my life here. I often find that when I do more opinion based videos that I have trouble expressing my thoughts and I have lots of pauses, ums & uhs, and ramble or lose my train of thought. I thought this would get better over time, but it doesn't seem to have. So therefore I end up editing my videos down so much that they are full of jump cuts just to be able to understand what I'm trying to say. I'd like to get some honest feedback about some videos on there if anyone would be so kind. The channel is: http://www.youtube.com/user/shearoberts My latest one is a bit of a change in direction and one that is much more self-knowledge based. It addresses some of the issues I've mentioned here. Again, any honest feedback is welcome. I'm in the process of upgrading my computer, so hopefully I can increase the production values a bit more in the near future. Thanks Shea
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