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  1. One of the biggest questions I've been receiving from my male friends regarding feminism generally sounds something like this, "What do feminists want?" First and foremost, I am not a feminist, I am not an expert on their movement or their studies. However, I do have several associates that I've passively been Facebook stalking for several years and occasionally engage in conversation. Man or woman, this question is very difficult to answer. Feminists that I know tend to start conversations or approach a topic from a position of defensive rage. The meme below represents one of the current hot topic issues of modern feminism. I will attempt to translate this accusation/desire of the modern feminist: I am angry because men don't like what my gender has to offer in the entertainment industry. Men are not interested in strong female roles, and this is a problem because it means that men do not sympathize with the struggle of women. Men only care about the leadership of other men. Men insult female actors who portray leadership roles by accusing them of "pandering sjw bulllshit." This means men are gross. Alright you guys, I'm going to go ahead an apologize.. I know this topic is vapid and annoying. I guess what I'm attempting to do is dissect this trash down and gain some additional perspective on the visceral and intellectual response of males. This may seem far fetched, but eventually I would like to try and reach out to some misguided youth with reason, logic, and perspective. I have a 4 year old son, and two twin daughters on the way. I don't want them to get sucked into this culture. I want to learn how to communicate honestly in the most non-offensive way so that the seeds of rationality are implanted in the minds of the impressionable. Thank you guys in advance for your time.
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