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  1. Hi everyone! I started my own website last week and have the goal of increasing traffic and expanding my audience. It's a personal blog about sexual development, paraphilias, fetishes, child development, and self-knowledge. I update it every weekday with new or continuing articles or personal accounts. It was something that I'd discussed with my therapist, and she thought it was a wonderful idea. She felt - and I agree - that I could be a helpful voice for others who have had sexual trauma inflicted upon them and/or have developed a paraphilia or sexual fetish. It really is something I feel I need to offer the world and I want to be successful in doing so. I have to start somewhere and I figured that here is a better place than any to begin. Sometime down the road, I am hoping to start an anonymous "Share Your Story" section of the website. Does that sound valuable? Please, take a look. It's quite nascent and isn't very pretty yet. Not to mention, I'm still working on my writing skills, and I still have much more work to do in regards to self-knowledge. But I hope some of you find it worthwhile, valuable, or useful. Here is the link: http://www.onemoredeviant.com/ Thank you all for taking a gander at this post and hopefully my website! -Greg
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