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  1. TL;DW: - NATO is obsolete and unfair to US taxpayers, also not specific enough to terrorism 4:40 - Probably wouldn't have RT'ed the unflattering photo of Cruz's wife if he had it to do over, yet wasn't "particularly bad". 6:30 - Michelle fields lied about the severity of the assault, therefore he won't fire and destroy his campaign manager. 7:50 - Supports Japan and south Korea developing nuclear defense, but prefers to just charge them for our current protection system 10:00 - "Will be looking at who the nominee is" regarding party support. "I release Ted Cruz, he doesn't have to endorse me". 12:30 Some interesting tidbits of information, yet the comment that most intrigued me was the last one. "I will beat them. After I beat them, I'm going to be so presidential, you're going to be so bored, you're going to say 'this is the most boring human being I've ever interviewed'." "I think that if I act very presidential it will be boring, but that will be fine." Does this mean that he is knowingly acting in an "offensive" manner in order to gain media coverage? Or is he just having fun? The world may never know.
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