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Found 2 results

  1. This is terribly distressing. I don't know if most of you on the forums know me, but those who do will know I've been quite the denizen of the chatroom for nearly the past four years. I was real zoo of characters. Mostly amicable, sometimes not - but it was all fun! I'm saddened to see it apparently go, because I feel like I really got to know and learn a great deal from you people. So will it be coming back, if this is this some kind of transitionary measure the forum upgrades? Or will I be needing to go some place else?
  2. In the fall of last year, I sought out and created a Freedomain Radio group for the Washington D.C. area. I began my work on the free meetup.com service that Freedomain Radio linked to on the community section of the FDR website. Although there was some work required at the beginning, our D.C. group has been a growing success and we are now meeting at least once a month. I was able to make a close friendship with another D.C. member and he is now my coorganizer. But the community didn't stop with Washington. I was also developing friendships within the worldwide organizer community and even made a trip to New York City to meet with fellow philosophers there. Unfortunately, the free meetup.com everywhere service no longer exists and the conduit to stronger relationships for future philosophers is weakened. The free meetup service has reverted into a paid subscription and many cities have discontinued their FDR meetup.com profiles and have instead transitioned entirely to facebook, including Washington D.C. While the transition to facebook is perfectly understandable and appropriate, there is little to indicate that this transitioned occured here on freedomainradio.com. Would it be possible to add a link on the community tab of the website to this facebook group? It provides an up-to-date listing of all known FDR meet up groups. Thank you so much in advance. TL;DR: Please add a new link so new people can find their meet-up groups.
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