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Found 11 results

  1. Hey fellow thinkers, You don't have to be on the forums for much to realize the incredible intelligence and acuteness of most of its members. The simple fact of having signed up here means you are the critical 1%. To tickle your brains, sometimes more so than when debating, I would like to institute a small chess club. Of course free of charge, anyone (from newbies to grand masters) will be able to interact in this alternative incredible form. I've been personally a self taught player for about two years now with over 20 days of playing time (28336 minutes and counting). Anyone feel free to comment down below and if we get enough interest I will start setting everything up. PS. Group link: https://en.lichess.org/team/philosophic-chess- based on lichess.org
  2. This just popped up on one of my social media accounts as "suggested" for me.. http://www.crusharcade.com/ca/1981/19756 Someones going to profit off of this Note: I did not actually accept the extension and play the game. I wouldn't recommend doing it either. Just wanted to show y'all.
  3. After recently going through an indie game called undertale I’ve had lots of feelings come spur inside me that seemed to melt away my cynicism about "the world". I think this is because of my 1 year in therapy, dealing with self-knowledge relentlessly and totally new and better healthy company of acquaintances and friends. However the game was yet another spark that after listening the soundtrack trough also felt really good and came to this realization. The track in the game that finally broke the camel’s back called "Hopes and dreams" followed by "SAVE the world" And it hit me, we often speak of, wish, dream or try to save the world and fight evil or/and defend freedom trough reason evidence and logic. In my own mind i felt hopelessness about my own life and future because fundamentally i felt despair having to combat the seemingly impossible task of fighting evil. The desire in me to be good and spread goodness and to save others. I believed it was not only MY job to take on evil of the world but most importantly that it was the World that needed saving. I was wrong. The world is not needing of saving the "World" is cant have peace any more than sun can calm the fuck down. I was anthomorphising human corruption and evil STILL to reality itself. And when i finally said "Save the humans" or "Peace among humankind" i felt switch in my head like someone had suddenly turned the light up and shattered all the shadows around me. I felt as if i didn’t NEED to save the world because it was impossible, a way of making it a false hope inside me and thus greatest source of despair. If humans are the ones in trouble and human ones that DO evil then saving the ones i can save or HELP is enough. Suddenly it’s enough to help/save few because it’s no longer about being the hero that saves the world by destroying evil and overcomes all odds and come out on top. But rather about not believing in false hope or obligations that are impossible, believing in goodness that is possible for me here and now. That my life, MY hopes and dreams arent in the chains of despair, of cynicism, of nihilism, of others "eye rolling and world wearyness." That my hopes and dreams, my goals, what i value is not IMPOSSIBLE TASK and forever evading me elusive like heaven or some paradise somewhere yet out of reach. And the game itself Undertale deal with this notion exactly. It’s about society, childhood trauma, betrayal of innocence and origins of war. It deals with cynicism, with violence, pessimism, nihilism about goodness and is in many ways about the PROJECTION of ones experiences unto reality itself. I’d recommend playing the game for its profound way to speak to your feelings while taking the fourth wall and kissing it goodbye.
  4. Stef talked about how he greatly enjoyed D&D and looks forward to playing it with his daughter. I am right now working on a philosophical Adventure. This could be: A skype conference where I am the DM, you don't need to do anything but play. An e-book giving you all the tools you need to play it with your friends. A coaching course on how to be a great DM. Please help me out to make this project happen and tell me: Would you like any of the above? Which would you like the most? Would you like me to do anything else? Would you pay money for such a service? How much? If you wish to get updates, please write an email to [email protected]. If you answer in this thread or write me an email, you have the chance to become a beta tester and get my services for free! Thanks!
  5. Hi Everyone, Looking for some general advice here. I made a game to help people improve their grammar, it's free on the Google play store. After a few months of release it now has more than a thousand downloads and a largely positive response. However, I got two emails today from two different people asking me to change the name as it is offensive. The game is called "Grammar Nazi Book Worm" From Urban dictionary: Grammar Nazi:Someone who believes it's their duty to attempt to correct any grammar and/or spelling mistakes they observe. Usually found hanging around Irc chatrooms hounding "n00bs". This is a sample from on of the emails: "Without going into the quality of your app, I suggest that you reconsider its name. I don’t know how old you are, or what kind of education you received, but the term “Nazi” generally has a negative connotation for most people, unless you are a skinhead neo- fascist type. I’m not sure you want your app identified with a system that roasted people wholesale in ovens and that was responsible for the death of millions of innocent men, women, and children." Also, I don't know if I should use the word "Jews" as it might offend someone... Reminds me of that episode of Always Sunny... I am inclined to laugh it off and ignore them (my second favorite role model is Jewish Ms. Ayn Rand), but then again I want to give the market what it wants... The game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.joanthony.gnbw
  6. Hi Guys, I'm plugging an app I created in my free time. I'm not a programmer by trade but I have always wanted to do this kind of work full time. The premise is simple, you read your favorite book with grammatical errors mixed in with the goal of correcting them as you go along. After every page you are given a score which compares your answers to the original words in the book. This helps you identify which part of English grammar you are having trouble with and motivates you to work on them. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.joanthony.gnbw If anyone wants to copy this for the iPhone please let me know. I hope I didn't make any grammatical errors in this post Also, if anyone can't afford the game but would still like to try it please pm me and I will send it to you for free
  7. I hope I've not broken any rules by posting this here, I didn't see any rules against this. I'm in the process of making a browser-based mmorpg game made with websockets and HTML5/javascript. I'm at the point of needing the GUI started. It will be pure javascript/HTML in order to appeal to a wider audience. (using the same technology as mozilla's Brwoser Quest: http://browserquest.mozilla.org ) Graphic design would be awesome as well (not required). The game has a few unique features where players get to play in an ancap-style sandbox kind of world. I am unable to financially compensate you for this. The only benefit in it for you is the enjoyment of working on a project with like-minded individuals, and if the project ends up actually getting finished- I'm happy to split the profits (we can work this out if you're down on doing the project).The current team consists of myself (python programmer working on the server mainly), and my friend who is working on balances, play-testing, and will deal with the legal stuff down the road (incorporating and other annoying statist business crap). I spend less than 5hrs a week on this, so it's not a high-pressure project. Please message me if you're at all interrested, if you have any ideas, or suggestions on where to find someone who might fit the above description.
  8. I propose a new game. Post premises followed by a logical conclusion based on those premises. Example: 1. All mammals are animals 2. Humans are mammals Therefore all humans are animals or a logical conclusion that is faulty and fun. Example: 1. Life is valued by people 2. To live calories are one thing people need 3. Candy is dense with calories Therefore people that wish to live should eat a lot of candy.
  9. I don't know about you but often it can be hard for me to listen to Stefan's podcasts effectively on the computer; I hoard good, useful news articles and read them in the same time. Even when I'd realize the podcast is important. A solution to that (at least for me) is a game that keeps one busy, while not distracting your attention too much from the podcast: Cookie Clicker, a simple yet addictive browser game that you can play for thousands of hours. Cookie Clicker I hope no one gets too addicted to it. Remember to keep clicking, buying or anything -- just make sure that your focus stays on A] cookies and B] Freedomain Radio.
  10. The Project: Starship Corporation started off as a project of passion by just one developer, found a huge following in a successful crowdfunding campaign, has recently been greenlit and is now looking to build up a small team of highly motivated freelancers. About the Developer: My career started off with 3D animation for advertising, then moved on to character animation for the game company Jowood (Neighbours from Hell). After that I changed to self-employment and created and sold the Lasertag company LazerCombat. I had no programming experience prior to starting this project except a little scripting in Adobe Director and Flash, but I quickly learned to use the excellent tool GameMaker for my plans. The project has grown way beyond my initial expectations, and will be the foundation for many cool projects in the future. What I can offer: get paid for what you would do for free anyway work independently and from wherever you live be part of an groundbreaking and exciting project and the founding members of a new game company a partnership with mutual respect and the will to always improve communication and workflow to boost each others´ happiness and the quality of the game Needless to say, I am very passionate about this project and I am not looking for employees, but rather long-term partners who share my enthusiasm to create the outstanding first part in an exciting future game franchise. More information: http://www.starshipcorporation.com/community/jobs/
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