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  1. I was watching a video this morning. It was the live stream between millennium woes and Faith Goldy. They were talking about identity politic and preserving the western world. They also talked about preserving the white race. This reminded me of this issue that I have been thinking about for a while. I was thinking of how to preserve the west, where will my children grow and under what system, I was thinking of freedom and migration. So if you want, sit down and listen to what I have to say for a while =). Let me start with my political history. When I was young, I was indoctrinated by the communist party. This indoctrination would, in the long run, changed me into a certified sociopath. By looking at what we were proposing and the real world, I realized that this political system was complete crap and I left it (no pun intended). Then for many years, I believed that politic was complete bullshit; that it did not work; that no government had any possibility of working and that it was a waste of time. Then came the migrant crisis and Brexit. I really believe in Nigel Farage. I started to advocate strongly on the net for his cause. I read all I could about conservatism and Churchill. I made hundreds if not thousands of debates online to promote Brexit. Then came Trump. GOD I LOVE THIS MAN =). I started advocating for him and felt a huge sentiment of accomplishment when he won the election. I then joined the Canadian conservative party. Met some pretty good people. But when I saw the results of the leadership race, I lost faith in them. I then came across books about libertarianism. I read some John Locke, Frederic Bastiat, David Boaz, Thomas Paine, learned more about Jefferson and so on. As a scientist, I have to try to drill has many holes in a hypothesis and then see if it still floats. If it does, I must accept it until some other hypothesis disproves it. And so far, I have not found a single situation that cannot be solved with the libertarian way of thinking. Now I look back at conservatism with a libertarian lens and I now realize that there is something terribly wrong with the conservative principals. If you want to preserve this society, you will have no other choice but to impose legislation, enforced by the power of the state, to prevent any change. You will try to prevent any change in culture, any change in demographic. You will create a huge coercive force and your civilization will die out because people wont want to invest themselves in such an oppressive regime. The right is the same thing as the left. They will both use the state to impose their will on the people. To find a solution, we have to go off the beaten path. Stefan is right when he says that the real enemy is the welfare state. But even if we build a wall and stop migrants from coming in, men are still oppressed inside our borders. Men are treated as disposable commodities that are made to be used, despised and discarded. Every minute, we men, spend under this oppression is unacceptable. But if we stop 3rd world migration, rebuild the economy and save our culture, the very next morning men will still be exploited. T he real solution is to bring the entire house of cards down. As quickly and dramatically as possible so that no government could adapt. Before we do that, we need to stock up on goods, gold, weapons, commodities. We need to build communities and so on. We need to preserve the seed with which to rebuild after the collapse. We could expect a decade or so of chaos, but afterward we can build a system based on merits, free market, non aggression and so on. And it is not hard to bring this house of card down. we only have to stop pushing against the storm and start pushing in the other direction. We could create 50 millions genders: fish gender, pokemon gender... Demand for the most absurd classes be thought in academia. Why arent they teaching Kpop dancing in University RACISM!!! why are they not teaching navajo literature RACISM!!!! call the SJW racist because they do not acknowledge your frog gender. Ask for the most absurd project. Like a bridge that leads from Greece to Egypt. And every time the government tried to back out of it: RACISM!!!!! The western government have removed every mechanisms to fight back against those accusations. So they will have no choice but to comply. And dont worry, once this socialist gynocentric world goes off in flames. We will feel relieved and free for the first time in our lives.
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