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  1. Hey guys, I'm not sure I understand what's going on with me here so I'm curious what you all think is the issue. I work with a web development company as a senior developer. I've been here 3 or 4 years and my happiness level with it has had its ups and downs, but never the kind of down I've experienced yesterday. The lead up to this event was that I had my team lead, whom I had a good connection to, leave for another job. Not so long afterward a new developer was hired and then after some time was promoted to team lead over me. He is an experienced individual with more time under his belt than me so it made sense. However, my connection with the new lead wasn't as active as it was with my previous lead. Then I decided to take on a project with a longer timeline. This ended up kind of isolating me from the rest of the group including my team lead. I thought things were fine though because my team lead and I would have one on one's roughly once a month and the conversations were lively and positive. He seemed ok with my isolation in light of my longer project duration expectations. Then one day I had missed my second morning stand up in a row. This wasn't professional of me, I know. It was due in part because of my nose being so deep in the project I was working on. My team lead's manager then expressed his dissatisfaction with my lack of attendance which was warranted. I agreed and told him that I would not isolate myself so much with this project anymore, especially since it was coming to an end soon. He further pushed the conversation into his dissatisfaction with my performance in general. I know I haven't been producing as quickly as I had liked but I didn't think it was a huge issue. So, I told him I would address my performance more directly and apologized. That was the end of the conversation. So at this point I am trying to get things done at a more urgent rate and trying to listen for feedback so I can react to it more sensitively. Then the next day I get called into HR's office with my team lead and my manager. I was told I had a fork in the road and that if I wanted to make my managers happy that I had to address the points on this sheet of paper they handed me. Most of the items on the paper outlined what my manager brought up in the previous conversation. Some items were related to my team lead's dissatisfaction with how I was during meetings. These were a surprise since we had one on one's that were very positive as I mentioned before. I leave HR's office rather confused and when I got home, I started having pains in my gut that wouldn't go away. It was almost as if I wanted to cry but my body wouldn't let me. I tried just talking out my stress, playing a video game and eating a good dinner. Still, pain. I went to bed early and I basically fell asleep due to pain exhaustion. When I woke up, it came back. What's going on here? I have an empirical understanding of what's happening but my gut won't stop hurting. The pain is almost like how you would describe heartbreak but in the gut instead. I.e. it doesn't feel like a physical emergency. The only thing that seems to have addressed the pain is literally filling out this spreadsheet of the status of my work they're having me fill out twice a day. Is it related to my body's need to please authority? Any feedback appreciated. I'd like to make sense of this. Thank you
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