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  1. We have seen the result of mass migration of low IQ demographic in Europe and the chaos that followed. But it seems that Canada doesn't learn from the mistakes of others or from its passed mistakes. In 2010, Quebec received a massif migration from Haiti. Harper didn't like Quebeckers and he tried to replace the demographic. These low IQ, no skills, migrants did not integrate well in our society. Very soon, some neighbourhoods lived in fear from hostile black gangs. They used intimidation on the population, sold drugs, brutalised people, forced women in prostitution and commited murders. This was in the northern part of Montreal, a place where honest labourers with little money lived. People that didn't have the money to move. At the end of his term, Harper decided to prosecute and deport some migrants, but the damage to our society was done. Now Trudeau is calling for all of the illegal migrants in the USA to come to Canada. And what do you know, the people from Haiti are coming to Montreal where the Maire Codere said it was a sanctuary city. They stuffed all these people in the stadium, which is a 5 minutes walk from where I live. We know very well that criminality will explode in the neighbourhood very soon. Seriously, I'm starting to fucking lose it. Everyone in this province has had a piece of their brain removed at birth or something. Everyone in this province is a lefty. Everyone is a fucking socialist. No one sees the shit storm around the corner. They see the shit going on in Europe and they put their blindfold on. They reject reality and substitute their own. I regularly hear people say that it is not so bad if new laws are imposed on us that restrict speech. They dont care, they just dont care. I swear, when I'm finished with university, I'm moving south of the border, I'm purchasing the biggest riffle I can find and I'm dip my bullets in pork fat. There is an epic shit storm that is going to fall on Canada and these r type morons wont know what hit them.
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