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  1. Post all relevant news and thoughts on this topic here. It's barely a few hours since it happened, and already that same, tired conveyor belt of pointless moral posturing can be seen all over the place. "Thoughts and prayers" tweets mixed with "senseless violence" and condemnations of what happened (Mitt Romney included the whole trifecta in a single tweet!) and of course lamentations that the NRA is to blame, Republicans have blood on their hands, the Republicans are NRA puppets, etc etc. Naturally the focus is that this is a shooting, and that guns are the problem. I had a thought just now when I was noting how this happens every time such a massacre takes place. The usual line goes something line this: "School shooting. Get rid of guns, no more school shootings!" My thought was more like this: "School shooting. Get rid of public schools, no more school shootings!" True, that thought is probably just as knee-jerk reactionary as everything else, and I probably felt that way simply because I was already firmly-opposed to public schooling, and I'm probably no more considerate to the pain and suffering that many people in Florida are going through as a result of this event. But I can't help but wonder if that might actually help prevent these such "tragedies" from occurring... It certainly doesn't exterminate the possibility of depraved souls shooting up private schools, or any congregation of crowds of people, but it might do many things that may lead to fewer of these events taking place. Whether from the public education system's erasure resulting in somewhat-more-balanced individuals, to there just being fewer kids congregated at these institutions, I can't help but feel that THIS is just as preferable of a "solution", and nobody seems to even fathom it a possibility... Last I've read, the shooter is in custody, and was an expelled student. I'm not sure how certain these facts are, but that's the latest that I'm aware of.
  2. Recently I was reading this article about the myth of the skills gap https://www.technologyreview.com/s/608707/the-myth-of-the-skills-gap/. The problem right now is that the skills gap is just a shady excuse that the jobs actually don't exist no matter how much skill and education you have. I don't know if any of you have happened to go through a period of unemployment longer than a year but, it traps you in a very ugly and annoying cycle. The problem is that Stefan addressed for most of us young people it's not a failure to launch that is our fault but, it's no where to land that we have no control over. It disgusts me that our stupid education system doesn't even help with the basics of life skills and practical skills we need to succeed in the world and gets away with teaching a bunch of random bullshit that's only going to be important on some trivia game show. My question to Libertarians is that if you guys actually believe unemployed people who are actually diligently searching for jobs and who are not in a good position because of circumstances that happened by birth should be left to starve? I think that's the one biggest problem with this free market concept is that we forget that some people's default setting are not their fault. It's also the most evil disgusting thing that happens when people put so much time and effort investing in themselves by getting more education and learning a skill but, not given some kind of guide to how they should navigate getting employment. Anyway I live in a blue state and this crap is happening to me. I think when it comes to issues like helping the unemployed for the people who are actually being diligent and working to improve themselves but, getting nothing in return all sides of the Political party are tone deaf and ignorant including libertarians.
  3. Hi everyone, I don't participate in this forum nearly as much as i should considering how much i really do enjoy reading threads when i have an off minute so hopefully i don't miss any important details. also in advance i'd like to apologize for the jumbled way i write, i'm really not a writing type person. At the moment i'm in High school as a junior and a lot of my friends, who are seniors, just graduated today. My issue is most of my friends are only a few months older than me and are able to graduate at 17 while i'll be graduating at 18. One of my friends specifically i'm envious of, me and him both picked up a job at the same time as webmasters for a mail-order company(same company), we've both spent a lot of time trying to make money before we were employed with this job, with various bitcoin fountains and web design sites, which i know now that he's out of high school he'll be starting up again with his extra time. nearly All my friends have graduated and i'm going to be going on to senior year of high school taking only 1 necessary credit with the rest being filled with programming classes that i'd much rather learn on my own or take online, for the most part i'm just going to be sitting around with very little work due to the nature of programming classes with my school. My issue though is the fallout i experienced when i got home from school today, I've been feeling angry about this all day but it really came to a head once i walked through the door. when my mom asked me what was wrong I ended up going into a full scale shouting rant. my issue isn't so much with the time in school it's the amount of my youth will be stuck here in high school doing literately nothing. I was wondering if anyone here on the forum might have any advice in regards to my feelings of being completely held back or what i could do about high school next year. if you have any questions please feel free to ask, and sorry about my writing again.
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