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Found 4 results

  1. This post has been created to continue the discourse from this thread in order for the title to more accurately reflect the content that developed.
  2. Why hasn't this been posted prior to the 8th??
  3. For your consideration, "...that 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing were inside jobs." Then this face immediately after that comment, only for a brief moment. This isn't about proving a conspiracy. It's about keeping her out of the White House. (video link: )
  4. Yesterday, we became a banana republic. For those of you who may not know the term, it is very disparaging and refers to the dictatorships of South America. The Rule of Law and equality under the law are the underpinnings of our Republic. In theory, nobody should be above the law. Director Comey's statements show that the law ( several of them) was clearly broken. The fact that he said that he would not recommend prosecution means that Hillary is above the law. Had Hillary been subject to the law, the republic would have survived. The Democratic party would have survived. I'm sure Joe Biden is available for them. So, the lesson for us, the proletariat, is that the law doesn't matter for the powerful. THEREFORE, I propose the Great Banana Protest. Let us all ship as many bananas as possible to Director Comey at the FBI and to Loretta Lynch at DOJ. Please join with me in making their jobs as FRUITFUL as possible.
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