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Found 2 results

  1. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/12/24/256863444/highway-in-iceland-may-be-sidetracked-by-elves
  2. http://guardianlv.com/2013/12/icelanders-overthrow-government-and-rewrite-constitution-after-banking-fraud-no-word-from-us-media/ When this came all over my facebook wall today, this was my response. It's a shame that Icelanders could not see the true cause of the issues and directed their actions in a refreshingly proactive, however ultimately futile fashion. It does make me a little hopeful that the will of people who refuse to be so blatantly trodden on can stand up to the violence of the state and the embedded interests of banksters in a non-violent fashion, however i'm saddened by the short-sided revolution and what will turn out to be an ultimate squandering of potential and social momentum. It just goes to show, i suppose, the true value for those in power to control education as even when the people rise up to overthrow one oppressive institution, they will inevitable set up another oppressive institution; the people can't think of a way to solve problems without force. Re-writing constitutions is not a safeguard against corruption as the root of corruption is power, and as long as the people of Iceland continue to allow the immense monopoly of power to exist and remain concentrated in the hands of the few, those with evil intent and the desire to dominate will always and forever seek to gain that power and until that dynamic is vanquished, I fear they will not know real freedom. I know I'm preaching to the choir to you guys, but I was more interested in what you had to say about the US not covering it? and how people will react to such a huge and obvious coverup?
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