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Found 3 results

  1. This is a video clip from Derren Brown's show "Pushed to the Edge." Here, he conducts a compliance test that shows who is more compliant, how easily some people are influenced by others, and what are the consequences.
  2. Part two, where I continue to talk about healthy ways of handling differences in personal relationships and of changing people's minds. Here, I share more of my personal experiences.
  3. My thoughts are that it is the job of parents to shape the identity of there children and if that is the case then the family truly is the biggest influence on a persons identity. If a carer is not active in the persons childhood then culture and peers will shape the persons identity. Culture is a constant, so if parents decide to not be active then generally depending on where they are situated they will be blended into that. What are some ideas? I am doing an essay tomorrow for English about this. Some of my ideas and questions: Is identity formed only in childhood? If the parents are not active and culture creates the identity of the child is family still the biggest influence because it was there decision to not be active? Without relationships, identity doesn't exist What is learned from family? Such as empathy etc... Are factors like language and knowledge from the outside world for work or whatever important concerning our identity? Thank you so much! Sorry, is it possible to move this to self knowledge?
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