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Found 2 results

  1. I've been a married man for 7 years now, no kids, no abuse in my background, no rap sheet. As an insult from women in my life, I have been called "crazy" at different times, in the context of "F you, you're F'n crazy" or "get away from me, you're crazy". It's always been as a parting shot, from women I've had bad experiences with that ended in bitter fights. This is not a common occurrence, but it stands out as the times that it has happened that puzzle me, because that has been their go-to insult. I'm an average guy, I have many friends and loved ones. I talk to people regularly, other people close to me have never called me crazy. These were not all from women that I had intimacy with, some were just friends. My question for men is, (assuming you're a sane, rational group) Have you experienced the same when ending it with a woman? If "crazy" is that common of an insult, what could be the reason behind that choice of words?
  2. I've heard Stef say men verbally abuse each other to help acclimatize each other to verbal abuse. That strikes me as the "we bullied you in high school in order to make you stronger". Bullies don't bully for your benefit because I don't remember mine doing post-game surveys and asking me for feedback. It's 100% sadistic. When I started going hard in the FDR a year ago, my self attack habit totally vanished. I used to do it at least 3 times a day and now I can't even imagine self-attacking. I got rid of my "friends" who were verbally abusive and with the friends I had remaining I never again made passive aggressive remarks or insults out of "playfulness", and none of our conversations dithered in value. They turned more serious and whole. I can see honest no-sugarcoat feedback as the closest thing to what he's talking about but I can't make the leap into "verbal abuse can be helpful". Was this just a colloquial hunk of wisdom Stef was giving out or does it have some rational backing?
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